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Kaspersky Anti-Spam for Linux
Thorough and accurate protection from spam for users of corporate mail systems and public email services

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Kaspersky Anti-Spam 3.0 provides thorough and accurate protection from spam for users of corporate mail systems and public email services.


Protection from spam

  • List-based filtration:
    Sender IP addresses are checked against blacklists of spammers, which are maintained by Internet service providers and public organizations (DNS-based Blackhole Lists). System administrators can add addresses of trusted correspondents to a safe list, ensuring that their messages are always delivered without undergoing filtration.
  • SPF and SURBL technologies:
    The filtration process also involves verifying senders using the Sender Policy Framework. Detection of spammer IP addresses using DNSBL is supplemented by SURBL technology (Spam URI Real-time Block List), which can identify spam URLs in the message body.
  • Analysis of formal attributes:
    The program recognizes spam by such typical characteristics as distorted sender addresses or the absence of the sender’s IP address in DNS, an excessive number of intended recipients or hidden addresses. The size and format of messages are also taken into consideration.
  • Signature analysis:
    Lexical signature databases are updated around the clock. Using spam signatures, the program can even recognize modified versions of spam messages that have been altered to evade spam filters.
  • Linguistic heuristics:
    The program scans messages for words and phrases that are typical of spam messages. Both the content of the message itself and any attachments are analyzed.
  • Graphic spam:
    A database of signatures for graphic spam equips the program to block messages containing spam images, a type of spam that has become increasingly common in recent years.
  • Real-time UDS requests:
    The Urgent Detection System is updated with information on spam messages literally seconds after they first appear on the Internet. Messages that could not be assigned a definitive status (e.g., spam, no-spam) can be scanned using UDS.

Anti-spam for Linux diagram



  • Flexible management:
    Our web interface allows system administrators to manage the application both locally and remotely. The filtration level is easily configurable, as are blacklists and safe lists. It is also possible to disable/enable individual filtration rules and automatically block mail encoded in Asian language sets.
  • Management of user groups:
    The administrator can create user groups either using lists of addresses or domain masks (for example, [email protected]) and apply individual settings and filtration rules to each group.
  • Options for processing spam:
    The program can be configured to process spam by either automatically deleting it, redirecting it to the quarantine folder with a note to the user or sent for further filtration to the mail client.
  • Detailed reports:
    Administrators can easily monitor the application, the protection status and license status, using HTML reports or alternatively, by viewing log files. Data can be exported in CSV and Excel formats.
  • Updating databases on schedule:
    Updates to antivirus databases can be downloaded on a schedule set by the administrator (by default they update every 20 mins). When undecided about the status of a suspicious message, the program also makes requests to the UDS server.

System Requirements:

Hardware Requirements

  • Intel Pentium III 500 MHz processor or higher (Intel Pentium IV 2.4 GHz recommended)
  • At least 512 MB RAM (1 GB recommended).
Software Requirements
  • Mail Systems:
  • Sendmail 8.13.5 with support for Milter API.
  • Postfix 2.2.2.
  • Qmail 1.03.
  • Exim 4.50.
  • Communigate Pro 4.3.7.

Operating Systems

  • Red Hat Linux 9.0
  • Red Hat Fedora Core 3
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 3
  • SuSe Linux Enterprise Server 9.0
  • SuSe Linux Professional 9.2
  • Mandrake Linux version 10.1
  • Debian GNU/Linux version 3.1
  • FreeBSD version 5.4
  • FreeBSD version 6.2
Additional Requirements
  • The bzip2 utility with a Perl interpreter is essential.

Pricing Notes: